Going straight from high school to college with no break in between isn’t for everyone—in fact, an estimated 130,000 students take a gap year every academic year.1 Here’s what a gap year is, the pros and cons of taking one, and how to plan one for yourself.
A gap year is “an intentional period of time devoted to personal growth and exploration through experiential learning opportunities,” according to the Gap Year Association. They often take place between graduating high school and going to college, but they can take place at any point during a student’s college or career journey. A gap year doesn’t have to be a full year—they can be as short as a semester or as long as several years.
Taking a gap year usually isn’t something you wake up and decide to start immediately—it takes time, planning, and money to support you through it.
Think about school. If you’ve been accepted into college, reach out to your school and talk to an admissions counselor about your deferral options for however much time you need.
Organize your time in chunks. What will you do in the summer months after graduating from high school? Work? Travel? Rest? What will you do afterwards? Think about each month and determine what you will do to plan your time efficiently.
Figure out your travel logistics. If you’re planning on leaving the country, you’ll want to make sure you’ve arranged all the travel and lodging you’ll need. Make sure your passport is in good standing or get one if you don’t have one already. Consider how banking works in the countries you want to go to and get local currency or open a bank account.
Save. If you’re thinking about taking a gap year or know for sure that you’re taking one, start saving money right away. Whether it’s birthday money or what you earn from a part-time job, start stashing cash away. You never know when you might need it for travel expenses, bills, or to kickstart your saving if you choose to go to school.
Pick up a side hustle. If you have a job now, that’s great, but you can pick up a few low maintenance side gigs to help supplement your income. Any extra money you make can go straight towards your savings.
Receive funding from a gap-year program. If you’re a part of a gap-year program or organization designed for mission-oriented work, they may have grants, scholarships, or other forms of financial assistance that can help you pay your way through the year.
Take out a personal loan. A loan is always an option if you’re in need of money now and don’t have time to save up, but keep in mind that you’ll be expected to pay the loan back with interest.
Fundraise. Social media is a great tool for sourcing money for trips, projects, and more. If you have any generous friends or family members, they may donate to your gap year fund.
It might be! Taking a gap year isn’t just a vacation between high school and your next steps—you can make some serious moves to grow as a person and plan out your future. If a gap year is in the cards for you, keep these notes in mind and happy planning!