Besides your college acceptance letters, the next thing you might be antsy about receiving are your financial aid packages. Not all packages will be the same—all financial aid is unique to you and the amount you get is based on your financial situation and how much your school is able to provide. If you want to guess-timate how much your financial aid package may be, here are some tips.
Financial aid can vary depending on the type that you receive—grants, scholarships, and federal student loans have different average amounts.
In the 2022-23 academic year, College Board reported that full-time equivalent (FTE) undergraduate students received financial aid packages averaging $15,480 per student. That breaks down to $10,680 in grants, $3,860 in federal loans, $850 in education tax credits and deductions, and $90 in Federal Work-Study (FWS).1
College Board also found that graduate students received financial aid packages with an average of $28,300 per FTE student in 2022-23. Of that amount, grants made up $10,320, federal loans made up $17,490, education tax credits and deductions made up $430, and $60 were in FWS.1
Financial aid takes a lot of things into account—how much your family can pay, financial need, whether you’re enrolled part-time or full-time, cost of attendance, your year in school, and more. Here’s how the FAFSA® calculates your financial aid.
The FAFSA® considers what the cost of attendance (COA) is at the schools you’ve applied to. Then, they will take your Student Aid Index (formerly known as the Expected Family Contribution) and subtract that from the COA to figure out what your financial need is. Your financial need indicates how much need-based aid you’re eligible for. Then the school will take your COA and subtract the financial aid you’ve been awarded to find out how much non-need based aid you’re eligible for.2
Financial aid isn’t unlimited—there are maximum amounts you’re allowed to borrow depending on whether you’re an undergraduate or graduate student and whether you have subsidized or unsubsidized loans.
Undergraduate students can borrow between $5,500 and $12,500 each year in direct subsidized and direct unsubsidized loans combined. The amount will depend on the student’s dependency status and year in school.
Graduate and professional students can take out up to $20,500 in only direct unsubsidized loans each year.3
There are a few things you can look at to estimate the amount of aid you’ll get:
Want to up your chances of getting the most financial aid possible? Try these tips:
Every school you’ve been accepted to will send you a financial aid document (either online, in the mail, or both) that lays out the total cost of attendance and how much aid you’ll receive. Now that you have some numbers to work with, here’s how to make sense of it all.
Not all schools offer the same financial aid. Once you’ve received all your financial aid information, make sure you compare all your financial aid offers to find the best college for you.
Sometimes, your financial aid offers may not be enough to cover the cost of school. If that’s the case, you have some options:
Continue looking for scholarships. You can always find scholarships so you can win money for college. With Scholly Scholarships , get access to thousands of scholarships based on your background, major, state, and more. And, it’s completely free.
Appeal your financial aid offer. You can push back and ask for more money by appealing your financial aid offer with specific schools.
Consider taking out a private student loan. If you’ve received all your grants, scholarships, and federal student loans and still need money, private student loans can help.