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Top graduate students scholarships for you
Find scholarships for graduate students that can help you pay for college.
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Here’s a scholarship you can apply for in minutes.
What are graduate students scholarships?
Graduate students scholarships are financial aid for college created specifically for graduate students students. Graduate students scholarships can help students attain higher education opportunities that otherwise may be out of reach due to financial reasons. All scholarships are free money for college that you don’t have to pay back.
Eligibility requirements for graduate students scholarships
Before you apply for graduate students scholarships, make sure you check the eligibility requirements. Some common eligibility requirements may include your GPA, community service, citizenship, plan to attend an accredited program, leadership potential, and submitting a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®). Scholarship eligibility requirements vary, so don’t assume you won’t qualify. Check them out!
Are graduate students scholarships worth my time?
Some scholarships are quick and easy to apply for. Others require time and effort. Typically, fewer students apply to scholarships that require work which means you could have better odds of winning.
Pro tip: Don’t skip over scholarships for graduate students with smaller award amounts ($). There’s typically less competition for them—and they add up!
How do I find graduate students scholarships?
There are many resources to help you find scholarships for graduate students.
Scholarship resources
- The financial aid office at a college or career school
- Organizations (such as professional associations) related to your field of interest
- Federal agencies
- Free scholarship search engine tools like Scholly Scholarships
- Local libraries, businesses, or associations
Your high school guidance office is a great place to start when looking for local scholarships. You could also try doing a search for your city’s name and “community foundation,” or the county you live in and “foundation.”

Scholly Scholarships
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Hot tip! Smaller scholarships may have less competition, increasing your odds of winning.
Graduate students scholarships
Apply now
Bridging the Dream Scholarship for Graduate Studentss
Due: 4/25/2025
No Essays
The Sallie Mae Funds Bridging the Dream Scholarship for Graduate Studentss helps students access and complete their post-secondary education. In 2025, The Bridging the Dream Scholarship will award up to $10,000 to 10 Graduate Studentss. While this scholarship does not require an essay, all applicants are required create a 2-minute video responding to the prompt on the application.
Russell and Sigurd Varian Award
Due: 4/14/2025
No Essays
No min. GPA Required
No Transcripts Required
Amount Varies
The Russell and Sigurd Varian Award aims to recognize and encourage excellence in continuing graduate studies in the sciences and technologies of interest to AVS. The nominee must be a registered Graduate Students in an accredited academic institution at the time when the applications are due. Applicants are normally expected not to graduate before the award selection. The award may be given to a particular individual only once. Following the Awards Committee Meeting in the Spring or Summer, the top eight student nominees are notified and invited to present talks on their research to the Awards Committee in a virtual interview in late summer. After the interview, one of the top three students of the eight finalists will receive the Varian Award. Criteria for selection of the awardee are excellence in research and academic record. Please visit the award's website or contact the American Vacuum Society for more information.
ASH Foundation Graduate Students Scholarship for Minority Students
Due: 5/22/2025
No min. GPA Required
The American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation invites students who will be or who are currently enrolled in a communication sciences and disorders graduate program to apply for graduate scholarships. Students who are undergraduate seniors or who are currently pursuing master's or doctoral degrees may apply. Both research and clinical doctorate students are eligible. The Minority Student Scholarship is for students who are members of a racial or ethnic minority group. The applicant must have three confidential letters of recommendation. The letters can be from a combination of academic faculty and work references, depending on the applicant's specific situation. Applicants who are currently enrolled in an undergraduate program must submit at least two letters from an academic faculty at their current undergraduate college or university program. Applicants who are currently enrolled in a graduate program must submit at least two letters from an academic faculty. These letters can come from faculty at the applicant's current or past college or university program. Applicants who are returning to school from the workforce are allowed to have letters from colleagues (and at least one supervisor) at their current place of employment, as well as letters from references who are familiar with their academic history and potential. Please visit the scholarship's website or contact the ASH Foundation for more information.
NBRC Gareth B. Gish, MS, RRT Memorial Postgraduate Education Recognition Award
Due: 6/1/2025
The NBRC Gareth B. Gish, MS, RRT Memorial Postgraduate Education Recognition Award will be awarded to a respiratory therapist pursuing postgraduate education leading to an advanced degree. Applicants must be a respiratory therapist who has at least a Baccalaureate degree with a 3.0 cumulative GPA or better, or the equivalent. If no Baccalaureate degree, then a letter of matriculation from a graduate program and an undergraduate transcript will suffice. Applicants must provide a proof of acceptance into an advanced degree program of a fully accredited school and proof that they are a candidate for a degree and a letter from the program chair or committee chair indicating that they are a candidate for a degree. Applicants must also provide letter of recommendation from the program director or other senior faculty member and two letters of recommendation from the medical director or other physician instructor attesting to: a) approval of candidate's paper, b) candidate's worthiness for the award, and c) candidate's potential for a career in the profession of respiratory care. Please visit the award's website or contact the American Respiratory Care Foundation for more information.
Pi Gamma Mu Scholarships
Due: 5/1/2025
No min. GPA Required
Members of Pi Gamma Mu are qualified to be the recipient of a scholarship award to attend graduate school. Scholarships are intended for first time Graduate Studentss. Students who have already earned an advanced degree are not eligible to apply. The degree program must be in one of the following areas of study: anthropology, criminal justice, economics, geography-human, gerontology, history, history of education, human services, international relations, political science, psychology, social philosophy, sociology, social work, as well as related interdisciplinary programs anchored in the Social Sciences, particularly those that focus on age, environment, ethnicity, gender, race, and regional studies. Other interdisciplinary fields will be considered on an individual basis based upon the degree to which the social sciences are an integral component of the overall course of study. In such cases, applicants should submit a program description outlining requirements and coursework. Previous recipients of Pi Gamma Mu scholarships are not eligible to apply again. Applicants must submit the names of at least three people who will be providing them with recommendations using the online form. The recommendations should be made by individuals qualified to assess your academic merit within the social sciences. Please visit the scholarship's website for more information.
Student Research Grant in Early Childhood Language Development
Due: 4/17/2025
No Essays
No min. GPA Required
No Recommendations Required
No Transcripts Required
The American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation (ASHFoundation) invites master's and doctoral students to compete for the Student Research Grant in Early Childhood Language Development, supported by the Arlene M. and Noel D. Matkin Memorial Fund. Students must be master's or doctoral (research or clinical) degree students enrolled in, or accepted for, graduate study in speech-language pathology or speech-language science at an academic program in the United States. Master's degree candidates must be in a program accredited by, or in candidacy status from, the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Proposal text should be single-spaced and placed in one PDF document containing all required sections in the order indicated. Please use stated titles as section headers and include page numbers. For more information, kindly visit the scholarship's website.
Hubbard Scholarship
Due: 5/17/2025
No min. GPA Required
The Hubbard Scholarship of the Georgia Library Association is made possible by the family and friends of Mr. C. S. Hubbard, an early supporter of libraries in Georgia. The purpose of the scholarship is to recruit excellent librarians for Georgia and provide financial assistance toward completing a Master's degree in library science at a library school accredited by the American Library Association. Applicants must be completing their senior year in an accredited college or university or be a graduate of such an institution. Students must be ready to begin the program of study not later than the fall term of the year in which the scholarship is awarded. Students who have already begun their programs are eligible to apply. Applicants must indicate an intention to complete degree requirements within three years. Recipients must work in a Georgia library for a year after graduation. Two letters of reference are required. Please visit the scholarship's website for more information.
Kathern F. Gruber Scholarship
Due: 4/30/2025
No Essays
No min. GPA Required
No Recommendations Required
No Transcripts Required
The Kathern F. Gruber Scholarship Program was established to support and assist spouses, children, and grandchildren of blind and low vision veterans, and those of active-duty blind and low vision service members of the U.S. Armed Forces. The blind or low vision veteran family member is not required to be a BVA member for the spouse, child, or grandchild to receive a scholarship. Additionally, to be eligible for one of the scholarships, an applicant must have been accepted for admission, or already be enrolled, as a student in an accredited institution of higher education, or business, secretarial, or vocational training school. Successful applicants for the scholarships must have demonstrated excellence in their past academic work and promising potential for achievement in higher education pursuits. The Gruber scholarships for veterans' dependents are for one year only but recipients can re-apply and receive the award up to four times during their academic careers. Please visit the scholarship's website or contact the Blinded Veterans Association for more information.
Greek Women's University Club Scholarships
Due: 6/30/2025
No Essays
No min. GPA Required
The EOK scholarship program is for deserving young women who have demonstrated community service, leadership, and academic achievement. Previous applicants may apply but must submit a new application. Prior recipients are not eligible. Applicants must submit their verification of enrollment in an accredited US college or university as a degree candidate for undergraduate or graduate study (i.e. letter from advisor, letter of matriculation, tuition bill). Recommendation forms from two academic, professional, or personal references must also be submitted. Applications may also be submitted through email or mail to Jackie McCabe from Hellenic Women's Club, Inc., EOK Scholarship Committee. Please visit the scholarship's website for more information.
Survivors and Dependents Educational Assistance (Chapter 35)-VA
Due: Varies
No Essays
No min. GPA Required
No Recommendations Required
No Transcripts Required
If you're the child or spouse of a Veteran or service member who has died, is captured or missing, or has disabilities, you may be able to get help paying for school or job training through the DEA program, also called Chapter 35. The applicant must be 18 years old or older, or they must have completed high school or secondary education. The recipients will receive a monthly payment to help them cover the cost of these programs: College or graduate degree programs, Career-training certificate courses, Apprenticeships, and On-the-job training. They may also get educational and career counseling. Your monthly rate (or payment amount) will be based on these 2 factors: (A) The type of education or training you're getting, and (B) How many courses you're taking - or how far along you are in your on-the-job training or apprenticeship program. For the application process, applicants will need to prepare their Social Security number, their Sponsor's Social Security number, basic information about the school or training facility they want to attend, bank account direct deposit information, and their education history. Please visit the scholarship's website or contact the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for more information.
Scholarship Incentive Program
Due: 5/15/2025
No Essays
No min. GPA Required
No Recommendations Required
The Scholarship Incentive Program will be awarded to students enrolled or will enroll full-time in an undergraduate degree program at an accredited institution in Delaware; or to students enrolled or who will enroll full-time in an out-of-state, accredited institution in an undergraduate or graduate degree program that is not offered at the University of Delaware, Delaware State University, or Delaware Technical Community College. High school seniors may apply. For students attending Delaware district or charter high schools, the Delaware Higher Education Office will access your 9th through 11th grade unweighted cumulative GPA and SAT scores through eSchool. For home-schooled students or students attending private high schools in Delaware, please send a copy of your SAT scores and your 9th through 11th grade high school transcript showing your unweighted cumulative GPA. Minors, non-degree, diploma, certificate, or continuing education programs are not eligible. Independent study, individualized majors and other arranged or negotiated programs of study are not eligible. A student cannot receive the Scholarship Incentive Program for more than 5 years for either undergraduate or graduate study. Please visit the scholarship's website for more information.
Virginia Tuition Assistance Grant Program
Due: 7/31/2025
No Essays
No min. GPA Required
No Recommendations Required
No Transcripts Required
Established in 1972, the Tuition Assistance Grant Program (VTAG) is designed to assist Virginia residents who attend accredited private, nonprofit colleges and universities in Virginia for other than religious training or theological education. The priority system is as follows: Category 1: Returning students who received a VTAG award in the previous fiscal year. This category includes transfer students who received a VTAG award in the previous fiscal year at another institution. Category 2: New and re-admit students who are eligible for fall or fall and spring term awards and who apply for the VTAG program by July 31, 2024. This category also includes returning and transfer students determined to be eligible in the previous fiscal year, but not awarded. Category 3: New and re-admit students who are eligible for fall or fall and spring term awards and who apply for the VTAG program between and including August 1 and September 14, 2024. Category 4: All students eligible for spring term awards only (except those who received the award in the previous fiscal year), and who apply by December 1, 2024. Completed applications must be submitted to the financial aid office of the student's institution on, or before, July 31 prior to the fall semester of enrollment. Applications submitted after July 31, but no later than December 1, will be considered for an award only if funds are available.
What types of scholarships are available for students?
Need-based scholarships
These are scholarships for students who have demonstrated a financial need. There’s no universal number or set income level that tells you if you qualify. How each scholarship defines what financial need means varies. The federal government as well as specific organizations, corporations, and colleges/universities/schools offer need-based scholarships.
Merit scholarships
Merit scholarships are for students who have shown high academic, athletic, or extracurricular achievement over their high school careers. Not all schools/colleges offer merit-aid—highly selective schools typically don’t. The process for applying for merit scholarships varies. For merit scholarships offered through colleges and universities, you generally don’t have to do anything other than complete the application to the school itself. For some schools, you need to submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) to be eligible.
Career-specific grants or scholarships
These are awarded to students who know they want a career in a specific industry. Maybe they know they want to be a teacher, a nurse, or an engineer. To be eligible for grants, students must submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®). To find career-specific scholarships, try searching for your major and “association.”
Community or nonprofit scholarships
Nonprofit and community organizations often receive funding from donors to create scholarship programs for students who need them.
Tips for successful scholarship applications
- Pull together everything you need for the application including transcripts, so you can submit a complete scholarship application.
- You may need a recommendation letter or letters for a scholarship. Ask a teacher, employer, or someone else who knows you to write one for you—and be sure to give them enough time to do it.
- If you’re writing a scholarship essay, follow the prompt, answer the essay question completely, and write from your experience. A few well-written essays that you can reuse for different scholarship applications can really pay off.
- Highlight your strengths and achievements in your application.
- Talk about your financial need and what you would use the scholarship money for if you won. How would it help?
- Have to interview for a scholarship? Dress to impress in a professional outfit. And do your research! Look into how/why the scholarship was created. Try to bring up why it’s meaningful to you. Also, don’t forget to send a thank-you note afterwards.
- Keep track of all the deadlines for the scholarships you’re applying to. If you miss one, they may not extend the due date.
- Apply for scholarships year after year, all through college. As you continue your studies, gain more experience, and try new extracurricular activities in college, you might be eligible for more scholarships you weren’t originally qualified for.
Here are more tips that can help you understand all there is to know about scholarships and up your chances of winning.
Frequently asked questions
These tips can help as you get ready to apply for graduate students scholarships.
When are scholarship application deadlines?
There’s no standard deadline for scholarship applications. Each scholarship has its own deadline, so be sure to keep track of dates and make sure you don’t miss any deadlines of scholarships that you want to apply to.
Do you need to know which college you’re attending?
You don’t need to know which college you’re going to attend before applying for most scholarships. However, once you’re awarded scholarships, some of them may ask for eligibility verification—which can include proof of college enrollment.
Is there a limit on how many scholarships you can apply for?
Absolutely not, so apply for as many as you can to increase your chances of winning free money. Want to find more types of scholarships? There are so many, check them out!
Pro tip: Apply for scholarships each year you’re in college.
Does every scholarship application require an essay?
Not every scholarship will ask you to submit an essay—different scholarships have different requirements. If you’re applying for a scholarship with an essay and need help writing yours, get tips for writing scholarship essays.
Need more money for college?
Private student loans can help you cover additional costs for school.
More resources to explore

Tips for writing scholarship essays
Get tips for writing scholarship essays. Learn what makes a good scholarship essay.

Find scholarship resources
Explore our scholarship resources, articles, and guide to get all the tips and tricks to help pay for college.

Fill out the FAFSA®
Learn when and how to apply for the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) to maximize your chances of getting federal student financial aid. Get tips now.
*No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited. Odds of winning depend on number of entries received. Ends 12/31/2025.
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